Japanese Culture Appreciation initiative by Tomoe and her friends
Japan is one of the world’s most culturally rich countries. Having managed Toyota account previously, Kaizen, also known as continuous improvement, is an approach that I adopt since then. Omotenashi, the Japanese spirit of hospitality and service, is also something that I adore. There are many Asian people that are still not service-oriented, so it’ll take many ‘agents of change’ to change cultural mindsets. Adapting Omotenashi without going overboard is important for local context.
In my earlier post about the two new Japanese friends D and I met in Sri Lanka, I briefly mentioned about Tomoe’s Japanese Culture Appreciation initiative.
Just in case you missed it, here is the post link:
Tomoe and her friends are on a mission to spread Japanese’s culture to the world. They conduct Japanese Culture Appreciation session, with the aim to promote awareness and to develop deeper understanding and appreciation of authentic Japanese culture in an accessible and enjoyable manner. All they need is a willing group of audience, a venue and they will travel to you at their own cost!
I am humbled. Perhaps my circle of friend is small, but I’ve never met enthusiasts as such before. I am passionate about solo and imdependent travel, for example, but it never crossed my mind to launch any initiatives as such.
It’s truly admirable that Tomoe and her friends are spreading the Japanese culture around the world, at their own initiative and cost. These are true ambassadors in their own right, and I think that the Japanese government needs to recognize them, and give them the due recognition and even a subsidy, if I may say so.
Tomoe and her friends are well-versed in Japanese culture, enthusiastic and passionate about it, so they are the perfect ‘ambassadors’ to promote the culture overseas.
The session includes:
- How to wear a kimono
- Kanji character and Japanese calligraphy
- Tea cup and pottery
- Traditional picture story show
- Origami paper folding
- Japanese traditional toys
- Japanese tea ceremony
- Sushi making
- Ikebana – Japanese flower arrangement
- Rakugo – Japanese traditional comic storytelling with one person playing all the parts
- Awaodori dance
Tomoe herself demonstrates the ‘tea ceremony’. The elaborate and refined Japanese tea ceremony is meant to demonstrate respect through grace and good etiquette.
Told you in my earlier post that she’s amazing, didn’t I? For more information please contact Tomoe Urasaki at urara0115@yahoo.co.jp.