Not Your Typical Tourist

A Life Between Two Countries, And All In Between

All In Between

ICE train ride from Munich to Berlin and seat reservation


ICE, ICE baby

 The ICE train (InterCity Express) is a high-speed train that connects all major cities in Germany. I read that it is one of the fastest ways to travel between cities in Germany.

I imagined it to be a Shinkansen-kind-of speed. Shinkansen’s maximum operating speed is 320 km/h vs ICE at 300km/h.

2nd class
Our seats


Yay can charge phone

  ZE got a free ride (again!), whilst I paid €45.00 for my ticket. We also forked out additional €4.50 per pax for seat reservation.

I read in forums that seat reservation is recommended, especially for ‘long’ train ride. My take on seat reservation:


  • If you are the type that must be seated together with your traveling partner;
  • If your travel journey is more than three hours. There were standing passengers, so I think German train is ‘overbooked’; not enough seats for passengers;
  • If you do not travel from origin station. The further away you are from origin station, the chances of securing seats will reduce accordingly

Skip It:

  • If you travel solo
  • If you like to mingle with locals

    Not Your Typical Tourist

    Travel opens up a whole new world, which is cliche but true. I am a strong advocate for independent and solo travel. I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but now live in Bangkok, Thailand, resulted from a chance encounter in 2009 with my why-are-you-Thai bf. I am now split between two countries. One country for my bf, another for the family, for the occasional weekend together.