Not Your Typical Tourist

A Life Between Two Countries, And All In Between

All In Between

Bilinguals get all the perks .. do we?

The language you speak changes your view of the world, research shows. 

So let’s see .. I speak fluent English, Malay, Cantonese and my Thai is more fluent than my Mandarin. Cantonese is my mother tongue (native speaker), and English is my second language. In Thailand, well I guess I can be considered as English native speaker, and Thai as my second language? 

Yeah baby, I am multilingual (India, 2010. Photo credit: Pravich Vutthisombut)

Better job prospects? Here in Thailand, yeah I think that it does gives me an edge since English is still not widely used here.

So native English speakers are more action-oriented according to the research. How about native Chinese speaker with English as second language? But I do think in English sometimes, especially in Thailand, so .. ?

Read the article here: