Not Your Typical Tourist

A Life Between Two Countries, And All In Between

All In Between

Where To Find The Best Egg Tart In Hong Kong

I have eaten enough bad egg tarts, to know a good one just from its look. Happy-me hit the jackpot with kick-ass-fresh-from-the-oven egg tarts on the first day of New Year.


So many egg tart lovers out there?

A long line greeted me, but it was moving … Hmm …


Where I was at 2.44pm

2.44pm: Get in the line


Fresh from the oven

3.00pm: Yay! My turn

6 minutes of my life spent queuing for 2 mouthwatering egg tarts; 3 minutes / egg tartBoleh lah (Can do).

I was lucky that fresh batch of egg tarts were coming hot out of the oven.


Warm egg tart in my hand

It was still warm in my hand. The crust are super heavenly buttery-crumbly and it oh-so-melt-in-your-mouth, that HKD8 per egg tart is a bargain! The custard also doesn’t disappoint: silky smooth-eggy, yet not too sweet.

And I think about Noelle. I think my friend will like it too.

And I thanks the Mister for waiting across the street.

Tai Cheong’s egg tart is worth queuing for. Do it!


Tai Cheong Bakery

35 Lyndhurst Terrace,Central
Business Hour: Mon – Sat: 7:30 – 21:00 Sun, Public Holidays: 08:30 – 21:00
Telephone no.: 83008301

Just found out there are other branches here.

Not Your Typical Tourist

Travel opens up a whole new world, which is cliche but true. I am a strong advocate for independent and solo travel. I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but now live in Bangkok, Thailand, resulted from a chance encounter in 2009 with my why-are-you-Thai bf. I am now split between two countries. One country for my bf, another for the family, for the occasional weekend together.

2 thoughts on “Where To Find The Best Egg Tart In Hong Kong

  • Thank you for remembering me. Yes this egg tart is good 🙂

    • Notyourtypicaltourist

      Ahhhhhh you are reading! Haaaapppy.

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