Not Your Typical Tourist

A Life Between Two Countries, And All In Between


Medical Certificate for Thai Work Permit

Medical certificate is one of the documents required for Thai Work Permit application.


Vejthani Hospital, Lad Prao
International Customer Service is located at first floor

  I went to Vejthani Hospital (again) at Ladprao Road 111, at Bangkapi. I had my previous medical check-up done here, for my previous work permit application. Since they already have my record, passport is no longer required.

Busy nurses

 This time, I was informed by the Visa and Work Permit agency engaged by my new employerto get 5 tests + 1 test (blood) for work permit, which includes:

  1. Leprosy
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Elephantiasis
  4. Drug addiction
  5. Alcholism

Tertiary Syphilis Third Stage was omitted for this round, compared to the first medical check up I did for my first work permit application.

Pay at Cashier, 1st floor
All cleared

  Took me around three hours … And two hours were spent waiting for blood test’s resuts. They took my blood for test, measure my blood pressure (I passed despite not having enough sleep, still jetlag from my Europe trip), and a little chat with the doctor … any drug and alchohol problem .. 

All this for THB 852:

  • Laboratory investigation (THB 252)
  • NSG charge (THB 150)
  • Service OPD charge (THB 150)
  • First outpatient care (THB 300)

Read that this medical check-up can also be done at clinics. 20 minutes max, and costs around THB 100. That’s where I’ll be going, if ever I need to go through this again.

Not Your Typical Tourist

Travel opens up a whole new world, which is cliche but true. I am a strong advocate for independent and solo travel. I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but now live in Bangkok, Thailand, resulted from a chance encounter in 2009 with my why-are-you-Thai bf. I am now split between two countries. One country for my bf, another for the family, for the occasional weekend together.

3 thoughts on “Medical Certificate for Thai Work Permit

  • Sophia

    Hi i know this is not your expertise but since youve been living and working in bangkok i came across your blog. I would like to ask if you know any what visas can someone apply to stay legally in thailand if they signed a contract for a football team/club in thailand ? They are from Malaysia. Thank you

    • Notyourtypicaltourist

      Hi Sophia,

      Indeed it is not my area of expertise.
      I looked it up – I think it’s Non-Immigrant B Visa – read more here in these 3 links: – check – 2014 Nigeria info, but can be used as reference “Applicants who wish to enter Thailand for football player trial or as a football full time
      players should make a request to the Sport Authority of Thailand through their respective sport
      agents or representatives authorized by their national football associations. The Sport Authority
      of Thailand will then forward a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand for
      consideration. After receiving approval from the Ministry of Thailand, the Embassy may issue an
      entry visa to the applicants on condition that they meet all requirement specified above. They
      may be asked to provide additional evidence of their status as footballer players, i.e. a letter
      issued by their football clubs in Nigeria.”

      Good luck!

  • Sophia


    I have an enquiry regarding the thailand visa. If someone get signed a contract to play for a thailand football team/club. What visas are they able to apply to be able to stay legally in thailand ? And they are malaysian citizens.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Thank you


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