Four months into the year, with two chapters closed
Reflecting on the two decisions I’ve made, should I be more adapative and reevaluate and reconstruct my values and beliefs? Is there a need to do so to adapt to the changed environment and opportunities, to the new culture in Thailand and also our neighbouring countries?
More and more I find that people don’t share my values and philosophy of life. On surface, perhaps they do. But practicing what’s being preached is another story.
According to the Enneagram personality test I did few years ago, “my desire to improve the situation or manage the many activities around me can sometimes intensify into a feeling of obligation to strive after my ideal. Together with my strong intellectual capability, I am convinced that I know the way everything ought to be my personality-defined ideals become the standards of everyone. The weight of moral “shoulds” and “oughts” makes itself felt – it becomes my responsibility to right wrongs, to educate the unlettered, to guide the aimless, and to instruct others in the “correct” view. ”
That was something that I told myself to be more conscious, not to right wrongs and to leave others as they are. But can they accept my way of thinking, without trying to correct me? Back in Malaysia, perhaps there are more of ‘me’, or maybe I am being surrounded by like-minded people. Well, I’ve always been very careful with my circle of friends and avoid energy zapper in my life.
There’s a reason why negative people are called energy vampires. They suck the energy out of people through their chronic negativity, never-ending crises and dramas, leaving those around them drained of energy.
Distance yourself from negative people who try to lower your motivation and decrease your ambition. Create space for positive people to come into your life. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you. Roy Bennett.
This reflection comes timely before I jump onto a new opportunity.