Coca-Cola Chicken Wings (可乐鸡翅)
We like to try new recipe at home once in a while.
Only those who have never heard of Coca-Cola as a cooking ingredient raise an eyebrow at the idea. It’s nothing new really. You can find Coca-Cola chicken wings at Chinese restaurants in Malaysia, and also Hong Kong. Not sure about other countries, but perhaps also in Singapore!
It is a classic Chinese recipe using Coke which caramalises the chicken wings. The result is aroylicious chicken wings with a sweet & sticky glaze. The wings were first seared in a hot pan, then braised in coca-cola. The liquid reduced down to a syrup and made a beautiful glaze on the wings.
Why not Pepsi, or est / Big Cola (in Thailand) .. well, Coca-Cola is the king of Cola. So cooking with the best-of-the-best for the most aroylicious meal lah.
If you’re interested in trying it yourself, I followed the recipe from these two blogs: