Not Your Typical Tourist

A Life Between Two Countries, And All In Between


Balik kampung, went back to D’s hometown and dinner at Jitlada Plaphao, Pad Riew

Pad Riew แปดริ้ว is more of the hometown of D’s dad. Once in a while, we will drive 56 km to this small town, at Chacheongsao  ฉะเชิงเทรา province to visit D’s relatives, on his dad side. D is very close to his dad’s side of relatives: his aunts, uncles and cousins.

Pad Riew is a pleasant small town, just off tourist route, sans tourist attractions.

The abode, one of the shoplots which double as home and commercial

 I have always enjoyed this ‘balik kampung’ (go back to hometowntrip, albeit the language barrier. I love the sense of family closeness, Thai-style, everytime we head back to Pad Riew.


The typical dining table is full of goodies

 There are always abundant food; we were always welcomed with food, and also with open arms. This trip is of no exception. We had our heart-warming lunch there.

We were given these kuehs, because I like ’em, according to D’s Aunt

And as usual, not only that we were well-fed there, we were also given food to take home: kuehs (local snack), fruits, lime and even a jar of prawn paste.

Jitlada Plaphao at Pad Riew

 After few hours of chit-chatting, we then had early dinner with Aunt Chai and D’s cousins and niece, at Jitlada Plaphao จิตลดาปลาเผา. This restaurant is one of our regular food stops in Pad Riew. 

Bow to me!

 I am the newly crowned mayor of this place, but sorry, no discount. But nevertheless, you should still bow to me, when you dine here.


The signature grilled fish

 Jitlada Plaphao’s signature dish is their grilled fish in salt. And that’s exactly what we order everytime.


My all-time fav!

 But the unassuming grilled mushrooms with soy sauce glaze is my favorite dish at Jitlada. The earthy taste of mushroom is unveiled with a simple grilling method, and it’s juicy with soya sauce taste. I also think that it is absolutely genius to complement it with a vinegar dipping.


Prettylicious crabby

 D ordered grilled crab to satisfy my crabby craving. Nope, the flower crab didn’t do its job. I still want my ‘meat’ crab.


Other dishes we ordered

 It’s always a tug-of-war when we have pay. D won this time. Hooray! The bill came up to ThB1,300+ for 6 adults and 1 children. Worth it for a tummy-licious meal.


 By the way, there is a small children playground right in front of the restaurant. So, it’s a perfect place to keep the little ones occupied.

  Jitlada Plaphao จิตลดาปลาเผา

Rom Yen 1

Chacheongsao 24000

Tel: 038 981 237

Business Hours: 10:30 – 23:00

Not Your Typical Tourist

Travel opens up a whole new world, which is cliche but true. I am a strong advocate for independent and solo travel. I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but now live in Bangkok, Thailand, resulted from a chance encounter in 2009 with my why-are-you-Thai bf. I am now split between two countries. One country for my bf, another for the family, for the occasional weekend together.